Title: Skins
Genre: British Teen Drama
Audience: Teens to Young Adults
Episode Synopsis: We watched the first episode of Series (Season) 6. Series 6 starts with the gang on holiday in Morocco; Franky has lost her virginity to Matty but is already becoming bored, and is tempted by wealthy drug dealer Luke (played by Joe Cole). Mini also decides to take Alo's virginity and swears him to secrecy. Matty pursues Luke and Franky which quickly escalates into a car chase; his truck overturns, putting Grace in critical condition, and he runs away to avoid being arrested for the possession of the marijuana and ketamine Luke placed inside his vehicle. Back in Bristol, Franky struggles to cope with her guilt and Rich is prevented by Grace’s father from seeing her in the hospital, where she lies in a coma. The episode (titled “Rich”) ends seeing Grace in the hospital and we wonder if she will survive, it is a thrilling cliff hanger.
Genre: British Teen Drama
Audience: Teens to Young Adults
Episode Synopsis: We watched the first episode of Series (Season) 6. Series 6 starts with the gang on holiday in Morocco; Franky has lost her virginity to Matty but is already becoming bored, and is tempted by wealthy drug dealer Luke (played by Joe Cole). Mini also decides to take Alo's virginity and swears him to secrecy. Matty pursues Luke and Franky which quickly escalates into a car chase; his truck overturns, putting Grace in critical condition, and he runs away to avoid being arrested for the possession of the marijuana and ketamine Luke placed inside his vehicle. Back in Bristol, Franky struggles to cope with her guilt and Rich is prevented by Grace’s father from seeing her in the hospital, where she lies in a coma. The episode (titled “Rich”) ends seeing Grace in the hospital and we wonder if she will survive, it is a thrilling cliff hanger.
The show is very intriguing and grabs your attention
right away. It is very different compared to American Television. There is a
lot more nudity and mature language in the UK version. The average age of the
writes for Skins is 21 and includes several “teenage consultants.” The show is
filmed almost entirely in Bristol, England. There is a lot of English humor
that is hard to understand and their accents are difficult to understand at
times as well. Nonetheless, it is still really entertaining. TV tried to promote
an American version of Skins in 2011 but it was quickly pulled from the network
because of program content being too mature for the audience that was watching
the program. The Parent’s Television Council, an advocacy group, criticized the
show, calling it one of the worst shows a child could watch. On Februrary 21,
2012, all seasons of the UK version were made available on Hulu. Skins has also
had a lot of influence on culture. The programm has given rise to the term
'Skins party', referring to a debauched night of heavy drinking and
recreational drug use. During the 2007 Easter holidays, a girl in County Durham
threw a house party; it was advertised on her Myspace profile as a "Skins
Unofficial Party," referring to the party in the first series' trailer,
with the subtitle "Let's trash the average family-sized house disco
party." Two hundred people turned up, breaking into the house and causing
over $20,000 of seemingly deliberate damage. The show has talks of a movie in
the works but nothing has been started yet.
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